Opportunities for sustainable growth - Santalucia

Opportunities for sustainable growth

7 July 2021

Santalucia Mobili took part in the 2014-2020 ERDF ROP for the Friuli Venezia Giulia region. The funding obtained will bring technological innovation and continuous improvement to the company. 

Santalucia Mobili is keen to invest time and resources in projects that will improve its business. These include relaunching production after the Covid-19 pandemic, developing a strategic plan to increase competitiveness, digitalising the entire organisation, introducing more efficient and better-performing technologies, and implementing a new Lean Manufacturing programme.

Achieving these objectives will allow the company to improve internal processes, which in turn increases production capacity and enhances customer satisfaction. And a key factor in all of this is environmental sustainability.

These investments will go a long way to setting Santalucia Mobili on the right track towards intelligent, sustainable and inclusive growth.

Santalucia Mobili after the Covid-19 


Automation and industry 4.0 in the furniture manufacturing sector

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Sustainability, digitalization, Lean Manufacturing projects

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