Happy Business To You 2021 - Santalucia

Happy Business To You 2021

3 November 2021

Santalucia Mobili was one of 30 Italian companies that took part in “Happy Business To You – Biennale del Contract Italiano” – Italy’s only B2B event for professionals in the contract furniture sector.

The biennial event took place from 27 to 29 October in Pordenone (north-east Italy), at one of the city’s prestigious venues, Palazzo Spelladi. Three days dedicated entirely to the contract furniture market provided an interesting opportunity for Santalucia Mobili to meet with people working in the sector from all over the world. Alongside its home collections, Santalucia Mobili also composes and creates interior design projects for the hospitality sector and for large residential complexes. These turnkey solutions, a part of the company’s make-up since the beginning, help the brand stand out in international markets with carefully curated designs, streamlined production processes and high-quality products.

Tra gli interessanti eventThis year’s rich programme of events also saw the return of the “Fabbriche aperte” initiative, offering trade operators the chance to visit companies of interest. Santalucia Mobili opened its doors to general contractors, interior designers and suppliers, and guided them through the heart of its production facility. “Happy Business To You” was all about finding potential new partnerships to nurture and also sent a strong message that international business is back up and running.